Last Saturday we had a chance to get all the freshmen and seniors together for a nice BBQ and sports time at Tilden Park! All in all, I think we had around 80 people show up to head up the hill to Tilden (with some really nice views on the way up). After arriving, people piled out to play a variety of sports ranging from soccer to volleyball to ultimate frisbee. This was all followed by an awesome feast of burgers and hot dogs and then a few more games afterwards. Then we all piled into the cars again to head down the mountain which was an adventure in and of itself due to closed roads and non-existant detours. Regardless we made it all down safely and enjoyed the Cal vs. Colorado State game at Kip's/Sun Hong Kong. Hope to see you next time!

Left: Christine and Myra BBQ'ing some delicious food, Right: Grabbing the grub

Top: Isaiah leading his group cheer, Bottom: Another group cheer

Top: Irene/Yumi/Christine (Clockwise from top), Bottom: Mini-water fight after the game

If you want to know what's going on here, it requires that you know AMERICAN TAI-CHI!!! This is where Sang lifted John Ko using his straightened arms and lifting up. Ask us for a demonstration!
note that your directions of top, right and left do not necessarily appear that way on our screens.
but it was indeed very fun ^^
Ah, ic, been trying to figure out the layout settings on Blogger but it seems it isn't quite working :p hopefully it's pretty clear which picture is which :)
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