Being unemployed, I spend a good deal of time sitting around NorthLoop looking for a job and applying to medical schools. As NSWN time draws closer and closer though, NL is becoming more and more packed with people getting everything and anything ready for this coming week. What's normally a fairly calm and quiet building is transformed into a factory-like machine pumping out flyers, coupons, skits, and so much more. Some students stay here staring at their screen with Photoshop open for hours even though they just learned how to use it to create the little flyers we'll all be seeing and passing out. Others, with the help of the kids folded napkins with forks and knives for the barbeque (numbering in the thousands!). There's so much to be done, but I'm amazed at all the people mobilized to help making this happen from those with full-time jobs to students who've recently joined our church. It's pretty awesome how much work actually goes into NSWN. In the eyes of the world, it's a waste of precious resources, but for us, its a chance to give our best as a token of our gratitude to God.