Monday, August 4, 2008

The first in Gracepoint Berkeley to run a marathon

Actually there might have been someone else who ran a marathon but that doesn't make this any less impressive. Ladies and gentlemen, Stephen Suh, who has been my leader for all of my undergrad, has done it. He ran the marathon. Not only did he run it, but he finished it with a very impressive time of 4 hours and 37 minutes, which is on average about 10 min/mile. Amazing. It all started from running half a mile a day starting from January this year. I must say, I am inspired...almost to run a marathon myself. But before I do that, I should probably start off with half a mile as well. Just half a mile every day consistently until I get in the habit of doing it and increase from there. If I start training now I might actually be able to run one myself by next year. We'll see.

Anyways, I actually had the privilege of being there right before and right after the marathon and here's a little clip of it.

I put up a survey for you guys to vote on this. Who do you think will be next?

P.S. Thank you. Sieun and Chris Gilling for making the video...a lot of the captions were Sieun's idea. I would like to make a special shoutout to Jason Tarn...I'm sure a lot of you guys are scratching your heads in confusion, but honestly if it weren't for Jason I don't think Steve would have made it out alive. At around 11:45pm the night before the race, Jason entered the Suhs residence listing off all the pre-marathon recommendations he read online.

"Did he do this, did he do that? Make sure he does this, and that...otherwise he might DIE."

Obviously, Steve didn't die but if it weren't for Jason, he might have...well anyways here's a picture of Steve and TEAM STEVE (Jason, John, Andrew, Jin) right before the great race.


Apark said...

Steve, steve-steve-steve, steve-steve-steeeeeeveee. :p We should voice over the music a little. Anyway, good edits, and you should put in the Team Steve crew and some of the other stories prior to the marathon.

Joe Hwang said...

Truly inspiring!

Jin said...

Our fearless leader Steve!

Unknown said...

that was great Steve...this was only missing one thing that would of made it a truly glorious event to remember. YES the KOREAN flag!!!!

John said...

i'm truly inspired. although i don't think i can run a marathon due to my flat feet problems, i want to ride a century by next summer.

Yumi said...

Heh heh heh . . . pretty amazing! John's shirt towards the end of the video makes it even funnier.

Unknown said...

man that poll is totally uncalled for! I obviously can't run a marathon b/c of my knee and I'm just fat and lazy. But to follow john's comments instead of running a marathon i want to bench 300 by end of the year.

Anonymous said...

Wow. To echo john's comment:
Watching this video is making me cramp and tired. Actually, I feel thirsty too.

Anonymous said...

steve suh could have gone 27 miles. that's 26 miles more than anyone else in Gracepoint Fellowship Church!