Last Saturday, we had a fun time kayaking at Johnson's Beach and playing soccer at Bodega Bay. Although we never actually swam in the water, you would have never known because we were all soaked from the water fighting. I'd like to claim that I got John Chung pretty badly (p.s. this is Yumi writing), but I'm sure he'd dispute that.
And I must say, soccer was awesome. I think my favorite play was Joanna Kang, leader of HG 6 & my best friend, tackling her husband, Michael Kang. =) Afterwards, we went to a food stand to eat some yummy clam chowder & crab sandwiches!
(p.s. in case you're wondering about the picture, we're trying to act like crab)
I didn't know that crabs could have such colorful facial expressions. =)
hahaha i love our facial expressions! and because of bodega bay i have developed more liking to this sport we call soccer.. except for the part where we were eating sand of course....
Yea yea! Looking forward to more HG6+HG8 outings. That soccer game was pretty hilarious, btw.
-Daniel Yang
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